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  • Writer's pictureAdam Langdon

Beating Long Covid - New Website

Today marks the day that my site comes online. I have been getting requests for a while to get this thing up and running! I have been working on it in small bouts for the last couple of months.

The purpose of this site will be to spread more awareness of Long Covid and also help as many people as possible. We just reached over 700 subscribers in the last year on the Beating Long Covid - YouTube channel. This will be my next endeavour to help others suffering from this awful affliction. Some folks would rather view a blog format like this and I get that. I want to have both a video and text format for my info so folks can get it no matter what sensory issues they are dealing with.

I have been asked to do some one-on-one coaching by some followers as well so I will be adding this to this site. LET ME BE CLEAR: My YouTube content will always remain free and is your best resource for what I did to recover.

I have debated whether or not to do this since September of 2023. Going back and forth between the positives and negatives.

If you can afford the fee I will be charging for one-on-one calls then great. If not I will look into doing a one-time sponsorship option. My intention is never to let cost deter you from getting the info you need about recovery, and we can discuss ways to go about this with a sponsorship option.

I will also be offering a "Meet Me" call for free, in which I can learn more about you and what you are struggling with, you can learn about me and my journey and then ultimately decide if my Long Covid recovery coaching is right for you.

I honestly would just be happy to cover the cost of this site :) and that is my intention with the one-on-ones.

Lots more info and resources to come soon! Stay tuned.


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