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  • Writer's pictureAdam Langdon

Travelling with Long Covid


Trvelling with Long Covid


As we approach the summer vacation season I wanted to put together a video and blog post to discuss my personal experience travelling with Long Coivd.

I have taken 2 trips so far with LC. One was really good and one was horrible. I also have an 8-day, 10th anniversary trip coming up to Florida and I wanted to share with you all how I am preparing for it.

I have found some things that help when travelling with LC and wanted to share those with you guys.

If you have any experience with long covid and travel please share them in the comments and let us know if you had any issues.

* Special note: I do not recommend air or sea travel during your first year of Long Coivd.

How to Travel with Long Covid

  1. Prepare for your trip. Get to know the airports, the destination hotel, the city, the resort, the theme park, etc.

  2. Pack all of your long covid necessities:

    1. Supplements

    2. Medications

    3. Devices

    4. Headpacks

  3. Arrive at the airport with enough time to not be rushed.

    1. Customs and TSA is stressful enough without having to run to catch your plane.

    2. You will also want time at the gate to mentally prepare for your flight.


    1. If you now have any anxiety around flying or travelling like I do the key is to distract yourself

      1. Download TV episodes and movies before your trip from WIFI and make sure they are ready to use on your devices in flight.

      2. Also, download some flying anxiety meditations from Calm or Waking Up.

      3. Keep those headphones in and listen to a meditation while the captain pushes the plane back.

  5. When you arrive at your destination:

    1. Take time to settle in and don't rush.

    2. Make yourself aware of your surroundings and become more comfortable with the new place you are in.

    3. Unpack all of your belongings and devices and set them up if needed for easy use and access.

    4. Rest if needed

    5. Take a pool day if possible as it's probably not a full day!

  6. RELAX and try and ENJOY! You have earned this!!!!

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